Why is the Emancipation Proclamation still important today?

table 2
10/18/2012 01:46:16 am

This document is still important today because without the document slaves would still be wandering around the south doing cheep labor.

10/18/2012 01:50:01 am

The Emancipation Proclamation is the most important document that said that slaves are considered land than if we won the war and took the land than the slaves would be in our ownership than we would be able to free the slaves and keep America together.

Table 4 lp at cb bm
10/18/2012 01:50:14 am

The Emancipation Proclamation is still important because if we did not have it, slavery might still exist. Since it freed many slaves in the south, it gave the Union more troops and helped them win the war.

10/18/2012 02:29:23 am

The Emacipation Proclomation is important today because if it did not happen the US would be 2 seperate countries. Also, if President Lincon did not give the Proclomation, the US would still have slavery

Table 6 KD AN TS NK
10/18/2012 02:35:25 am

The emancipation proclomation is important today because without it our country won't be the same as it is today. People would still be racist and the african americans would still be slaves and treated unfairly still.

Table1 KO,GG,MB,NP
10/18/2012 02:37:21 am

The Emancipation Proclamation is still important to people today because there would still be slavery in most states in the United States. We would of had a different country today; the Confederate and the Union.

table 3 A.H I.M A.R. J.A
10/18/2012 02:40:02 am

The emancipation proclamation is still important today because it still might be legal to have slaves today. Another reason is if we did not have the emancipatoin of proclamation we might be living in the confederate states of america. Then people would still be consiterd property and be sold away from their familys. And plus slaves would not be hurt. In conclusion that is why the emancipation proclamation is still important today.


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