Now it's time to tell what you've learned from this acitivity.  As a group, write a summary of each expert's presentation in the comment section.

Macy, Emma, Colin, Harrison, and Mateo
12/5/2013 03:20:11 am

Four trails used during the 19th century were the Chisholm, Western, Shawanee, and Goodnight Loving trail. In 1860 there were more than 6 times the amount of cows than people. 700,000 of those cattle reached the Kansas railhead in 1871. The type of cattle that the Texas Longhorns were decended from Spanish Andalusian that were brought over by early-16th-centaury explorers. San Antonio de Baxar and Mission Espiritu' Santo were some of the earliest ranches and used cattle to provide food, clothes, and other products.

Sorry we didn't finish, we will finish 4 and 5 tomorrow.

Luke, Evan, Sydney, Zachary , Caroline, nand Mary Catherine
12/5/2013 03:20:53 am

Point and Swing Wagons cowboys were the ones that led the cattle, and herded them up. After 1871 there were nearly 700,000 cattle’s that reached Kansas. In 1860 there were more than 6 Times as many cattle’s as people in Texas. 4 trails were Chisholm trail, Western, Good night loving and Shawnee. These were the trails that led the cattel.


Cowboys are people that drive cattle across great distances to take from one place to another. You can reconise cowboys by thier bandanas, hats, horses, baggy pants, and spurs. They drove them through many paths including the Crisolm trail, the Goodnight Loving, and The Western. They brought the cattle to many places including Dodge City which was one of the most popular in that time. The cowboys faced many dangers such as stampedes, blizzards, and prairie fires. Predatory animals also might attack the herd. They always needed to have people to constantly stop the cattle from charging and running off. They also needed to have a chuck wagon riding alongside them carrying all sorts of supplies. To be a cowboy is extremely amazing yet dangerous.

Macy, Emma, Colin, Harrison, and Mateo
12/6/2013 03:04:29 am

This is are 4 and 5.

Cowboys needed sattles, rope, and spears. The wranglers job was to make sure remuda kept track of all the extra horses. The point and swing riders turn the cattle in the right direction. The flank and drag riders keep cattle from diffusing. A chuck wagon is the wagon that carried food, supplies, and cooking equitment.


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